Golden Days Online Hot Sale

A long time has passed since man, armed only with a shovel and a pan, was enough to pan for gold. A world of lonely men has been transformed into a workplace and home for families. Over decades, they have learnt to make the most of the land without losing respect for the environment. A short summer translates to a short and busy mining season. Nevertheless, excavators come to a stand-still when a wagtail nested underneath them has new additions to its family.
Seppo Kummala s texts present the history of claims and mining districts, family stories, and achievements of gold prospectors. Even the harsh facts of life are narrated warmly: what it feels like when you work around the clock, when service runs are long and arduous, costs high, and the land does not yield the desired gold.
Ilkka Ärrälä s photographs demonstrate life in Lemmenjoki, amid its unforgettable nature. Readers can easily sense the unique atmosphere and the driving force of this small community. Golden Days also shares the communal joy arising from gold strikes. The backbreaking toil ceases when the miners come together to enjoy a merry Midsummer party or to celebrate the traditional Pekka s Day festivities.
The new Mining Act of Finland that entered into force in July 2011 is terminating mechanised gold panning. Golden Days documents the work of miners in Lemmenjoki – just before their profession dies out completely.
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